Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mattel UNO Roboto Game - The Funnest Game in the Galaxy


Hi, I wanted to take a minute to talk about a new project of mine on the Mattel UNO Roboto Game. Well first of all, let me back up a minute. Good evening, how are you doing on this wonderful night? Sorry, I had to squeeze that in. I have been trying to ask people how they are doing before I ask something from them or push my agenda. So there you go....just trying to make myself a better person.

Well, why UNO. I remember playing it many moons ago in school with my friends. It's the only card game that I could because of the type of school that it was. Let's just say that poker cards were not okay!

What's your favorite UNO memory? Well for me it was playing just with two people. You could really unload your cards on somebody if you timed it just right. Skip, skip, draw two, draw two, draw four, draw four, skip, skip........UNO! Yep, I was that kid! It was lots of fun and I have lots of fond memories playing.

So I hope you have a wonderful night. Thanksgiving is just next week as I am typing. And I just love the Holiday Season. Christmas music is already playing on the radio. Its a little early, but I just love it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Best Toddler Girl Toys - A Christmas Galaxy

Hi, I wanted to take a minute to talk about the best toddler girl toys this morning. I am off work this morning because of the Holiday, so I wanted to take a minute to share with you a few things on my mind. Particularly as they involve Christmas presents for my little girl.

So here is what I have in mind. First of all I got her a really nice ornament last year and I will again this year. But that's not what a she really wants. She wants toys, right? So here is my plan.

A small little play kitchen set will be a great little addition to her toys. She already has gotten play food and things like that for her little playroom. So a kitchen set will work out just great.

And then maybe a ride on toy of some kind. Honestly, I really haven't made up my mind on that one yet. But It really gets me thinking. Her mother wants to get something like that, but I think she will just be too scared.

So there you go. It's getting closer to Christmas everyday and even Christmas music is starting on the radio. Happy Holidays.